Man, has it been a wild several weeks!
We finally have our car back,
Mark's done with ALS,
and last night was the last big event for a while, thankfully!
We went to the Air Force Ball last night, celebrating the Air Force's 65th Birthday!
We got a beautiful room for the night as well, so we could just relax after.
We were at the ball until midnight (we went back to our room for a while so our friends
who got ready with us could get their things), then went back down to hang out with friends in the lounge.
The food was outstanding, and I ate wayyy too much, but it was worth it, and I danced most of the calories away anyhow.
When we finally got back to our room, we stayed up even longer to watch Indiana Jones and eat
chocolate covered strawberries!
All in all, it was a wonderful night. We didn't get to stay in my hometown that morning like we had planned, to see the parade, but it ended up being a fantastic night. It was a nice, glamorous little getaway that was very needed!
I'm glad things are slowing down for a while, though. I need time to get stuff completely cleaned up and done before the holidays hit (which, they're fast approaching, if you haven't noticed!), especially with all the traveling that we're planning on doing with my family, then going to see his dad around New Years!
Also, our orders to Germany were officially canceled, because they're not sure if the Herd will be shutting down this year. It was very disappointing, but we'll be getting there eventually, so we're trying to be positive! It just gives me more free time to focus on the holidays and family! I have big plans for decorating our house, and it'll take a lot of planning!
I'll leave you all with a few more pictures from last night. If you ever have a chance to go to a military ball, take it! They're a lot of fun, the guest speakers are fantastic, and as all you ladies know, it's very fun to get dressed up, especially when your man is in blues!
Have a great day!