Friday, October 5, 2012

Things are looking up!

It has been a wonderful few weeks! I'm very happy it's fall, it's probably my second favorite season, and I'm definitely getting into the Halloween spirit! My friend Tawney and I finished up the invitations to our Halloween party yesterday, and I passed them out at Mark's squadron today. I'll put a picture of them at the bottom, they turned out super cute.

Also, I will officially be twenty one in two weeks! I can't believe it! I'm not sure what we'll be doing, but I can't wait to celebrate!

I also started INSANITY yesterday. Let me tell ya, there's a reason they call it that. I'm super super sore today, but I'm about to do today's workout, so hopefully I can push through he pain! Once I finish it, I'll be posting up before and after pictures! I'm VERY excited to see what results I get. I'm using my It Works protein shake as well, so I'm sure I'll see amazing results very soon! I can't wait to share the journey with you guys!

And finally, I got an amazing job as a customer service receptionist! Basically, I'll be scheduling people appointments with finance, calling people who miss theirs to reschedule, things of that nature. I'm very excited to start, hopefully by the middle of next week after they get the paperwork processed and everything. I think this is going to be a great fit for me; flexible on time off, only part time so I can still take care of things at home, and the pay is great, so we'll actually be able to fly to Maryland to see Mark's dad for NewYears instead of driving. (Oklahoma to Maryland is loonnggg drive guys.)

Also, an update to the situation on orders: nothing. We're all pretty sure we won't hear anything about the unit shutting down until after the election, but either way, we're gonna be leaving. Mark is re enlisting after he sews on Staff sgt, and as soon as we can before hand, we're putting in for BOP. I'll keep you guys updated, thanks for all the concern and thoughts!

Have a beautiful weekend guys!